Saturday 11 February 2012

What a Horrible Blogger I am : (

Hello World!

I must apologize for not following up with my original plans of keeping the many yet few of you out there updated in the life and adventures of living in Canada's largest City.  To be honest I haven't been all that fun and amazing with attending school, working, and co-coaching a 1/2 marathon clinic the adventures have been at an all time low....

As I am sipping on some gorgeous Fernwood Coffee that my glorious girlfriend brought me all the way from Victoria BC last week, yeah she is that awesome!, I have come to realize that a swift kick to my own butt is necessary.  One to get back into writing and expressing some ups and downs in life, maybe share some fantastic adventures, recipes, or just to check in with the world.  Two now that class has some what calmed down I have found myself with a touch more spare time..not much but just enough to try and find an adventure every once and a while, I make no promises as to how it may turn out but if one doesn't try they will never know.

I hope that you are all reading this in good health and have a fantastic day! it's snowed here in T dot lastnight maybe I can find something in the lovely white powdery stuff!! hehe

bye for now and be awesome~!